Supports 1.7.10 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.18 / 1.19 servers!
A fully configurable plugin that allows you to get paid for breaking, placing, killing, fishing, crafting, and more. Class-based professions, gain experience as you perform your job.
- UUID support
- Mysql/SqLite data base systems
- Locale files
- Daily quests
- Signs command support
- Signs top list support
- GUI for job info or joining them
- Create your own custom jobs and choose what they get paid for and how much
- Option to buy items from shop (can be found in shopItems file)
- Default jobs: Hunter Farmer Enchanter Explorer Woodcutter Miner Builder Digger Crafter Fisherman Weaponsmith Brewer
- Levelling mechanic where higher level jobs will give higher incomes. Income earned = experience gained
- Equation determining maximum experience, experience gained and income gained is customizable
- Execute commands on predetermine leveling up
- Leave your job and return to it by suffering level loss during this action
- Fully customizable skill levels in the game to mark leveling milestones
- Option to limit income for certain time interval
- Chat integration to display current job name and titles.
- Several protections against exploiting
- Auto-save to protect against server crashes.
- In game job editor
- McMMO integration
- MythicMobs support
- Custom Point economy system
- Money/Exp/Points boost with specific permission
- Money/Exp boost by wearing or using special items
- Option to leave and return with possible exp lost during transfer.
- Optional sounds on level up.
- Full permissions support for BukkitPerms compatible plugins.
- Admin commands work with online players.
- Auto tab complete commands
- Foreign language translations
Possible actions to get paid for:
- Break - by breaking blocks
- StripLogs - for stripping logs with axe (1.13+)
- TNTBreak - by breaking blocks with tnt or minecart tnt
- Place - by placing blocks
- Kill - by killing any living creature including players
- MMKill - by killing mythic mobs
- Fish - by catching fish
- Craft - by creating items
- VTrade - trading with villagers
- Smelt - by smelting items
- Brew - by making potions
- Enchant - by enchanting items
- Repair - by repairing items
- Breed - by breading animals
- Tame - by taming animals
- Dye - for dyeing leather armour
- Shear - for shearing sheep's by color
- Milk - for milking cows
- Explore - for exploring map
- Eat - by eating food
- Custom kill - by killing player with specific profession
- Drink - for using potions
- Bake - baking products
- Vault
- MySQL (optional)
By default, the plugin comes with Full EN and partial LT/DE/CS/FR/RU translation files. If you want to translate the file to your own language, change in generalConfig file from locale-language: en to your desired language. After the server reloads you can freely edit your locale file.

- Default jobConfig.yml
- Chat Titles
- Common Issues
- Material Names
- Creature Names
- Only for servers lower than 1.11
- GuardianElder
- HorseZombie
- HorseSkeleton
- SkeletonWither
- SkeletonStray
- ZombieVillager
- ZombieHusk
- Enchantment names
- Data Values @ MinecraftWiki