The main usage of the command is:/cmi usermeta [playerName] [add/remove/clear/list/increment] (key) (value) (-s)
Add – Will add a defined key with a defined value. In case there is already a key with the same name, then it will be overridden with a new value
Remove – Will remove the defined key and its value
Clear – removes all recorded keys and values for the defined player
List – List all recorded keys with their values
Increment – Changes current value if one exists or creates a new one. This will attempt to add a defined value to the existing one. Both values need to be in a number format
This command provides the option to add unique values to the player and reuse them when needed with %cmi_user_meta_[key]% placeholder.
This can range from some general information you want to add to the player to information like the death counter.
So let us make a death counter for the player. The initial command will be /cmi usermeta Zrips add deaths 0 -s where Zrips is the player’s name who should get this, add will indicate that we want to add a unique date to the player, deaths are some custom name for this and it can be whatever you want, 0 is the initial value, and -s will simply perform this command without informing players.
Now we can retrieve this data with %cmi_user_meta_[key]% placeholder which will return 0.0 yes, it will return with fraction. So in this case lets use %cmi_user_metaint_[key]% and our exact placeholder should look like %cmi_user_metaint_deaths% which will return 0.
Now let’s manipulate this value. After all, we want to increase this value when the player dies.
So let’s add a command to eventCommands.yml file under playerDeath category.
Command itself will look like /cmi usermeta [playerName] increment deaths +1 -s this will increase current value by 1 without showing feedback message.
The same thing can be done with -1 or any value you want which will (if possible) change the current value by the appropriate value.
And after performing this command %cmi_user_metaint_deaths% placeholder will return 1 instead of 0, after the second time you will get 2, and so on.