- Picture you see is made with help of armor stands
- So what you can do? Well:
- Includes GUI for simplest editing posible
- Edit items which includes offhand
- Rotate armor stand base
- Manipulate head direction
- Manipulate both arms and both legs directions
- Move armor stand around, so you can have more compact armor stand placement
- Turn on/off plate
- Change size from normal to small
- Turn on/off visibility
- Turn on/off gravity, which enables for you to rise or lower arm or stand in general
- Turn on/off arms
- Turn on/off name
- Turn on/off glow mode
- Turn on/off invulnerability – prevents any damage towards armor stand
- Turn on/off interactability – prevents any interaction with armor stand, this will disable option to right shift it and open gui.
- All of this can be adjusted throw build in GUI
- Its self explanatory. Like adjusting body parts by simply clicking on appropriate block with left or right mouse button. And by holding shift, process will be 10x faster.
- There is 17 possible actions, so for each we have 17 permission nodes:
- cmi.command.armorstand.updateitems
- cmi.command.armorstand.plate
- cmi.command.armorstand.size
- cmi.command.armorstand.visible
- cmi.command.armorstand.arms
- cmi.command.armorstand.gravity
- cmi.command.armorstand.glow
- cmi.command.armorstand.invulnerable
- cmi.command.armorstand.name
- cmi.command.armorstand.interactable
- cmi.command.armorstand.head
- cmi.command.armorstand.body
- cmi.command.armorstand.torso
- cmi.command.armorstand.leftArm
- cmi.command.armorstand.rightArm
- cmi.command.armorstand.leftLeg
- cmi.command.armorstand.rightLeg
- cmi.command.armorstand.pos
- Base permission node as always cmi.command.armorstand
- You have 2 options to start editing. Look at armor stand and perform /cmi armorstand or simply shift + right click it.
- In case you want to see armor stand at same time you are editing it. Then move your screen to side and perform /cmi armorstand lastwhich will start editing last armor stand you have being manipulating.
- For security reasons. You cant move armor stand into areas where you don’t have build permission. So no build, no way to move armor stand inside that area.
- You cant edit armor stand which is being edited by some one else at that time.