You have /cmi checkcommand [keyword]
command to find commands related to the keyword
For most of the commands, there is no difference if a player is online or not.
[someVariable] – required
(someVariable) – optional
Some commands will have additional information about them, including extra permission nodes when using ?
sign, in example /cmi alert ? will show some explanation on needed permission nodes not only usage.
Some commands will have special variable -s which will prevent any message output after performing, allowing for a silent command performance in case you need this. Players need to have cmi.command.silent permission node.
The base permission node to use any command is cmi.command which is given by default for everyone.
Every command follows basic permission requirements: cmi.command.[commandName] in example heal command will require cmi.command.heal keep in mind that this will not allow you to heal others, only yourself. To perform commands on others, you will need extra permission cmi.command.heal.others
Required permission nodes can be seen while hovering over the error message in-game
(time) the variable can be defined like: 1s (1 second) 5m (5 minutes) 2h (2 hours) 3d (3 days) 7w (7 weeks) 1M (1 month) 4y (4 years) multiple variables can be combined to get more accurate time, like 5h32m52s
Commands update to match version, some small differences in comparison with ingame output can be seen in time.
Sends action bar message to player
-s:[seconds] defines time we should keep this message visible. Due to how it works it might override some other action bar messages from another plugin if this message was set to specific time and another plugin tries to show new message
Toggle afk mode. Reason could be provided
Check players afk status
Set players air
Alerts administration on players login
Permissions: – to see alerts on player login
Create custom alias for one or multiple commands
More info HERE
Open anvil
Set items repair cost
Applies potion effect to an armor. Multiple effects can be applied at same time. Removing effect can be done by using /cmi armoreffect while holding armor piece which will show you ingame editor, this will allow you to add more than one effect and manage existing ones. Example speed:3 will add speed level 3 effect, this will by default use 15 second timer which gets updated every 15 seconds
Opens armorstand editor
More information HERE
Attaches command(s) to item
More information HERE
Toggle auto flight recharge
Teleports back to last saved location
Check money balance
Check top money list
Ban player
Ban list
Sends special message to all players on all servers
Cycle block states
Check block information
Show block NBT information
Book editing
Sends boss bar message to player
More information HERE
Sends special message to all players
If message starts with ! then clean message will be shown without broadcast prefix
Worlds can be defined to broadcast messages only in those worlds
Burn a player
Open cartography table
Shows left spawner charges
Create and join chat rooms
-locked will prevent players from leaving chat room
-private will make chat room accessible only with invites from room creator
-persistent creates room which remains after server restart
Pick chat color
Search for a players other accounts by player name or ip address
Check players ban status
Search for possible commands by keyword
Check players exp status
Search for possible permissions by keyword
Convert money into check. Real physical item. By default paper is needed to create one. Right clicking item will deduct money to players accounts
Clear players inventory
Clear Types:
Clears chat
Permission: cmi.command.clearchat.bypass – to ignore chat cleaning
When using self variable, only your chat will be cleared
Clear players ender chest
Shows all posible colors
Pick hex color
Shows all posible colors
Set players compass point to your location
- /cmi compass Zhax
- /cmi compass Zrips Zhax
- /cmi compass LT_Craft 0 0 Zrips -s
- /cmi compass reset Zrips
Condense items into blocks
Starts counter for surrounding players
cmi.command.counter.force – to force counter for everyone in range
cmi.command.counter.time – define custom time range
cmi.command.counter.range – to define custom range
cmi.command.counter.msg – to define custom message
cmi.command.counter.autojoin – joins counter automatically
-f will force counter to all players in range
Example: /cmi counter start r:30 t:7 msg:&eCustom_message -f
Detailed playtime in GUI format
Keep in mind that this is separate from playtime command and can show slightly different playtimes as it uses different engine to tract it.
Send tellraw type message
Shows custom text
More information HERE
Suspends players actions
Manages item custom recipes
This only works by ingredients material type. It will ignore any extra data like item name, lore, enchants and so on. This is vanilla behavior.
Returns to death location
Disable enchantment
Dispose of unneeded items throw GUI
Check distance between 2 points
Donate item you are holding
Teleport one floor down
if max variable used then we will try to find lowest point and not just go one level down
Manage dynamic signs
More information HERE
Dye leather armor
Some colors are dynamic and will update by specific conditions
Edit your locale file
Keep in mind that some lines can be too long to be shown in chat text editor and can be not editable throw this command.
Edit players playtime
Edit players warnings
Edit warps
Adds potion effect to player. use clear to remove all effects
-visual will add visible bubbles and icon on top right corner
/cmi effect zrips nightvision 60 1 – will give 60 sec night vision for Zrips
/cmi effect zrips nightvision +10 – will add 10 sec to current night vision time
/cmi effect zrips nightvision -10 – will take out 10 sec from current night vision time
/cmi effect all health_boost 60 1 – will boost hp by 1 for everyone online
Enchant items
-o will take item from offhand
-onlyvalid will check if item can be enchanted with that particular enchant. Useful when performing from console.
-inform will inform player whose item being enchanted. Useful when performing from console.
-s will perform command silently for command sender
-i:[itemName:data] will limit enchant to particular item
-keeponlyvalid will remove all enchants from item which are not valid for that particular item
Opens players ender chest
Toggles endgateway block beam on and off
Check entity information
Check entity nbt information
Set players exp. Use L to set levels
/exp 10
/exp add 10
/exp set 10L
/exp take 10
/exp Zrips clear
/exp Zrips add 10
Additional dynamic variable examples
/exp add %rand/10-20% will give random amount between 10 and 20
/exp take 5%[15-100][Zrips] will take 5% from players (Zrips, as reference player and not the one from whom exp will be taken away) current exp while limiting amount between 15 and 100. Keep in mind that player name needs to be in brackets. If source player name is not provided then target player will be used as reference.
Extinguish a player
Set players falldistance
Feed player
Finds nearest biome by name
Only works for 1.15 and older servers
Scans for damaged chunks
stats – show current scanning stats
pause – pause scaning
continue – continue scanning
stop – stop scaning
stopall – stops all chunk fixes which are running currently
speed [amount] – set current scan speed
autospeed [true/false] – set autospeed turned off or on
messages [true/false] – set message output to off or on
/fixchunk w LT_Craft
/fixchunk w LT_Craft r 50 c 1024:-2048
/fixchunk w LT_Craft r g
/fixchunk fix
Manage and check flight charges
More information HERE
Set players fly true or false
Toggle flight charge mode
Set players fly speed from 0 to 10
Manage gamerules in GUI or directly modify it
Auto generate possible item worth values
Get book of a ctext feature
Give item to player
-slot:[number] will try to place item in defined slot if possible, if not then to any empty available slot in players inventory
More information HERE
Give item for all players
– give item name or its id with data value
– optionaly provide amount you want to give
– n – to define itemname
– l – to define item lore
– e – to define item enchants
– -s – wont show feedback message
– h – followed with player name will give item from its hand
– inv – followed by player name will give entire inventory for others
– offline – to include offline players
cmi giveall stone 1 n &2Uber_stone l &3Stone_lore offline
cmi giveall h Zrips
cmi giveall inv Zrips
Set players glow mode
Example: /glow Zrips red
Permissions: cmi.command.glow.[color] – allows to set particular glow color
Set players game mode
Set players god mode to true or false
Open grindstone
Clears server from unnecessary items
+cm will include minecarts into cleaning
+cb will include boats into cleaning
+ci defines if you want to include weapons and armors
+b broadcasts clear message to everyone
+tnt removes ignited tnt
+sh includes shulkerbox itemstacks, keep in mind that dropped shulkerbox item can contain items in them which you might not want to remove
Check if player has particular permission
Place item like hat
Get players head
Heal player
- /cmi heal zrips
- /cmi heal zrips 10
- /cmi heal zrips 10%
- /cmi heal all
Sends message for help to staff members
Requires cmi.command.helpop.inform too see messages
Hides item flags
Create or manage holograms
More information HERE
addline [hologramName] [text] – will add defined new line to hologram directly, this will place new line at the end
deleteline [hologramName] [lineNumber] – deletes defined line
editline [hologramName] [lineNumber] [text] – modifies defined line with new text
update [hologramName] – will force update hologram in case you made some changes to it which dint got properly updated or you simply want to force update hologram without automatic update timer enabled
info [hologramName] – shows information of defined hologram
Change hologram page
Related to hologram feature and more information how to use this can be found HERE
Teleport to home location
A list of homes that you can click to teleport to
Set players hunger
Create interactive command
More information HERE
Perform command only when player is offline
Perform command only when player is online
Ignores player
cmi.command.ignore.bypass – to bypass ignore list
Import data from other plugins like essentials or holographicdisplays
Imports users from playerdata folder in main world folder. Server can suffer lag spike during import
Show players information is required to see players ip address. To see players country you will need THIS file to be present in CMI folder
Opens players inventory
cmi.command.inv.preventmodify – prevents inventory editing
cmi.invedit – allows to edit inventory
cmi.command.inv.location – shows players location
Open saved inventory in preview mode
-e will open inventory in edit mode. cmi.command.invcheck.edit permission is required for this to have effect
last will open last saved inventory
Show saved inventories list
Load saved inventory
last will load last saved inventory
Remove saved inventories for player
all will remove all saved inventories for this player
last will remove last saved inventory
Removes all saved inventories
confirmed variable is required to avoid unintentional removal of saved inventories
Save inventory
Ban players ip
cmi.command.banip.bypass – to bypass ban
Shows full list of banned ip’s and possible owner names of those ip’s
Give item to yourself
Check or modify items custom model data
Manage item frames
Show item information
Change items lore
Show item NBT information
Jail player for time period
More information HERE
List out all jails with jailed players in them
Jump to target block
cmi.command.jump.[amount] is required for max distance you can jump with this command
Kick player with custom message
cmi.command.kick.bypass – prevents from being kicked out
Kill mobs around you
Gives predefined kit
cmi.kit.[kitName] – allows to use particular kit – bypass money requirement
cmi.kit.bypass.exp – bypass exp requirement
cmi.kit.bypass.onetimeuse – bypass one time use
/cmi kit [kitName] [playerName] – will give kit to another player
-preview will open UI where player can check what kit gives but cant actually pick anything from it. This can be achieved by using /kitpreview command
-open will open UI with items included in kit where player can choose what he wants to pick from it. Keep in mind that closing UI will delete items in top inventory permanently. This can be achieved by using /kitopen command
More information HERE
Reset kit timer
Reset kit usage counter
Show played players from last x minutes
Launch at direction you are looking or at angle
-nodamage will indicate that player who lands after being launched should not be effected by fall damage
cmi launch – will launch at direction you are looking
cmi launch p:3.2 – will launch with power of 3.2
cmi launch p:2.5 a:25 – will launch at direction you are looking with angle of 25 degrees and with power of 2.5
cmi launch Zrips d:east – will launch to east direction same angle you are looking
cmi launch Zrips d:0 – will launch at 0 degrees direction (south) same angle you are looking
cmi launch d:45 a:30 p:2 – will launch south-west at 30 degree angle with power of 2
cmi launch loc:150:120:123 – will launch player to target location, keep in mind that this will only try to launch to that location, but some limitations aplies
only for 1.13 and older servers
Fix light in chunks around you
Shows online player list
cmi.command.list.admin – places player into admin groupd
cmi.command.list.staff – places player into staff group
cmi.command.list.hidden – shows players who are hidden[number] – places player into predefined group by its number
Prevents logging into account from different ip
Open loom
Send and receive mail
/cmi mail sendtemp Zrips 24h Quick reminder to vote! this will send email which will expire in 24 hours
Check or send mail to all players
Set server into maintenance mode
cmi.command.maintenance.bypass – to bypass maintenance mode
Set a player’s max hp
Changes maximum amount of players who can connect to server
cmi.fullserver.bypass – join full server
Sends special message to all players
Open merchant trade window
Changes database system and migrates all data
Starts block place/break mirroring
Get mob head
Manage money balance
/cmi money give Zrips 100 gives Zrips 100
/cmi money give Zrips %rand/1-1000% gives Zrips random amount between 1 and 1000
/cmi money take Zrips 1% takes from Zrips balance 1% of what he has
/cmi money take Zrips 1%[100-500] takes from Zrips balance 1% , but no less then 100 and no more then 500 of what he has
/cmi money take Zrips 1%[100-500][Zhax] takes from Zrips balance 1%, but no less then 100 and no more then 500 of what Zhax has
/cmi money give all 1000 gives all online players 1000
/cmi money give alloffline 1000 gives to everyone, including offline players 1000
Fills item stack to maximum amount
cmi.command.more.oversize to get oversized stacks
Sends message to player
If message starts with ! then clean message without sender name will be shown. Requires cmi.command.msg.clean permission
If message starts with !- then clean message without sender name will be shown and without option to reply. Requires cmi.command.msg.noreply permission
Mute player
- /cmi mute zrips 1m
- /cmi mute zrips 1h
- /cmi mute zrips 1h For swearing
time values can defined with + or – in front to define if time should be taken away or added to existing mute time. By default defined time will be the time players is put into mute mode, with provided variables you can take away or add on top of existing remaining time.
- /cmi mute zrips +30s
- /cmi mute zrips -15m
Prevent public messages
- /cmi mutechat 1m
- /cmi mutechat 1h
Set players name plate prefix, suffix or its color. Glow effect will temporary override players name color.
To use a space, use an underscore _ To parse a placeholder, use two underscores __ Examples: To get it to say “hi bob” you type /cmi nameplate -pref:hi_bob To get it to say some placeholder, type: /cmi nameplate -pref:%some__placeholder%
Check who is near you
Default max distance 200. Can be increased with cmi.command.near.max.[amount] permission node
Changes player name
To change into different nick name: cmi.command.nick.different This allows to change name by only changing its colors but not actual name itself.
To bypass length protection use cmi.command.nick.bypass.length
Toggle no-mob target mode
Manage players notes
Open book gui
Optionally you can provide exact file which needs to be loaded and shown. This approach is less efficient then having already parsed ctext files, but it does allow you to show ctext which are not directly loading into memory.
Check operator player list
Modify personal options
Commands work individually. Without parameters will open a GUI where players can toggle to enable/disable certain features.
As of CMI version 9.1.4.x these legacy commands have been moved into a newer more convenient single /options command: togglecompass, toggleshiftedit, toggletotem, tagtoggle, socialspy, commandspy, signspy, msgtoggle, tptoggle, paytoggle.
In the config.yml file you can further configure the /options’ GUI panel.
Permissions involved to allow modifying specific options: cmi.command.options.[visibleholograms/shiftsignedit/totembossbar/bassbarcompass/tagsound/chatspy/cmdspy/signspy/acceptingpm/acceptingtpa/acceptingmoney/chatbubble]. Players will also need the base command: cmi.command.options
Placeholders are grouped as well:
Shows animated particles. More information at WIKI page
Teleports to random players without repeating same player until all players have been visited.
Perform money transaction
Shows players ping
List out all placeholders
Option to parse placeholder to check out what it would return and which plugin will translate it
Set players collision mode
Only for 1.9+ servers
Shows player total play time
Shows top list of player total play time
Point to block. Particle line will be drawn towards target block
Manage portals
More information HERE
Show current position of a player
For 1.17 and older servers
Load chunks for given range
Check playtime rewards
Controls player personal time
- /ptime 13:00:00
- /ptime 1pm
- /ptime 13
- /ptime 7000ticks
- /ptime Zrips 1pm
- /ptime freeze
- /ptime unfreeze
- /ptime realtime
- /ptime reset
Cleans player data from world folder by inactive days. This can only be done from console.
Controls player weather
Decrease your rank
Your rank information
List of possible ranks
Set a players rank
-cmd will perform command defined for that rank rankup
-cost will charge player with money, exp or items if defined for that rank rankup
player will get rank even if he doesn’t have enough money, exp or required items
Increase your rank
Check players real name
Check item recipe
By using -c variable we will only show custom recipes created by CMI
Reloads plugins config and locale files
Removes home
Removes user and its data
Remove warp point
Repair items – allows a user to repair items in their hand – allows a user to repair items in their off hand – allows a user to repair items in armor slots – allows a user to repair their whole inventory – allows a user to repair items without adding repair share protection
Set items repair cost
/repaircost 10
/repaircost set 10
/repaircost add 10
/repaircost take 10
/repaircost Zrips clear
/repaircost Zrips add 10
Replaces blocks in current world around you
– pause – pause replacing
– continue – continue replacing
– stop – stop replacing
– speed [amount] – set current replace speed
– autospeed [true/false] – set autospeed turned off or on
– messages [true/false] – set message output to off or on
/cmi replaceblock id 52 w stone r 10
/cmi replaceblock id 52,gold_block w stone r 15 y 100
/cmi replaceblock id 52 w air r g y 100
/cmi replaceblock id iron_ore%75 w stone%90,dirt%5 r g
Replay to last message sender
Resets players back location
Resets particular database columns to default value
Ride target entity
cmi.command.ride.[entityType] – to have access in riding entity
Teleports to random location
List players logged in from same ip
Set players saturation
Saves every player inventory
-online variable can be used to save only online player inventories
Save or manage saved items
-t:[playerName] target player who gets this item
-c:category defines item category, can be used when creating item for better item management
Starts sign copy process
If player name is provided, then target player can click sign and will copy over sign text instead of player who initialized this command
Set entities scale
Scans defined range or entire map for particular items in all possible containers.
– stats – show current scanning stats
– pause – pause scanning
– continue – continue scanning
– stop – stop scanning
– stopall – stops all active scannings
– speed [amount] – set current scan speed
– autospeed [true/false] – set autospeed turned off or on
– messages [true/false] – set message output to off or on
id [id:data]
q [minimum quantity]
r [range in chunks] – option to use g instead of number to scan entire map
n [item name]
l [item lore]
h uses info from item in hand
e [enchantname]
elvl [enchantminlevel]
purge – removed found items, this feature should be enabled in config file
/scan id 52 r 30
/scan id diamond_block r g q 32
Allows to break items into raw ingredients and extract enchantments with particular chance
Trigger schedule
When using -updatetimer we will update existing scheduler timer to trigger after set period of time instead of keeping old one, this allows to trigger specific scheduler sooner and still keep correct interval in between it
Changes sign text line
Use /n for additional line
name [some_custom_itemname]
lore [some_custom_lore]
enchant [lowest enchant level]
potion [lowest custom potion effect level]
fly [true or false]
gm [0/1/2/3 or survival/creative/adventure/spectator]
maxhp [lowest hp player have]
god [true/false]
/search gm 1
/search id 52
/search lore Uber_lore
Check when player was last seen
Manage selection area
Sell items from inventory
Send all online players to target server
Connect to bungeecord server
Set server links
Show server list
Show server time
Allows to set enchantment worth which is used in sell hand and scavenger commands
Sets first spawn point
Sets home location
cmi.command.sethome.unlimited – to have unlimited anount of homes
-l:worldName;x;y;z will define custom location for new home location, this requires cmi.command.sethome.customloc permission node
-p will define home as private and other players will not have option to teleport to this home location
(block/Material) allows to define custom icon in you home gui. In example /sethome home block will pick block under your feet and use as icon. While /sethome home woodenshovel will use actual wooden showel as icon.
If slot number is provided then we will try to place that particular home in that slot in GUI. Keep in mind that this is from 0 to 900 which is equal to 20 pages. So having slot number as 52 will place it in first page if there are no ore icons after it. But if you will have one more which is above 55 then all homes above 45 will get moved to next page as wee need to free up space for buttons. Example /sethome home 50 will set home at slot 50 in GUI. If you have more then one home with same slot, then they will get placed one after another.
You can override existing home location if you have cmi.command.sethome.overwrite permission node
Set server motd
Set random teleport bounds
Sets spawn command teleport point
More information HERE
Sets warp location
/cmi setwarp spawn – simple warp to spawn
/cmi setwarp spawn true – creates warp and will require cmi.command.warp.[warpname] permission node to use it
/cmi setwarp spawn hand – creates warp will take item from hand to display in gui for this warp
/cmi setwarp spawn 13 – creates warp and sets gui slot to be used in gui (1-54)
/cmi setwarp spawn true hand 13 – creates warp with icon from hand, slot 13 and requires permission
/cmi setwarp spawn true hand 13 false – same as previous, but doesn’t generate lore
More information HERE
Change item worth with GUI
Mute player without telling him that he is muted
Dismount any entity riding you
Shoot projectile
- smallfireball
- largefirreball
- thrownexpbottle
- snowball
- egg
- witherskull
- arrow
- bullet
- shulker
- shulkerbullet
- trident
- spit
- llama
- llamaspit
Blocks public messages
cmi.command.silence.bypass – to bypass silence
Toggles silent chest
Sit at your position
-persistent variable prevents player from being kicked out of sit mode when he gets moved with a piston
Changes players skin
Strike ground or player with lightning
Player name or location can be used for where lighting should strike. For example /cmi smite Zrips or /cmi smite LtCraft;15;168;458
-safe will define if lightning should not cause damage. With this we are only playing effects
Open smithing table
Solves complex equations ranging from basic 2+2 to cos(1)*pi/0.4+tan(5)
Play sound at target location
Teleports back to spawn location
Sets spawner
Edit spawner
Spawns entity at your location
More information on usage HERE
Set players walk or fly speed
Sends message to staff channel
Check players stats
Edit players statistics
Show server status
Open stonecutter
Force another player to perform command
cmi.command.sudo.bypass – protects player from being ‘trolled’
Kill your self
Switch all data from one player to another
Use UUID for more accurate transfers, especially when usernames matching each other
Force tablist update for all or specific player
TempBan player
Time value can be defined with + or – which will indicate change on current ban state. + will add extra time while – will take away, if resulting time is under 1 tick then we will simply unban player.
Example: /tempban Zhax +5m -s will add 5 minutes to players ban, repeating this command will increase players ban time
Temporary ban players ip address
cmi.command.banip.bypass – to bypass ban
Set temporary players fly mode until relog or until time ends
tfly Zrips 30 – fly mode for next 30 sec
tfly Zrips +30 – adds fly mode for an additional 30 sec
tfly Zrips 0 – fly mode until relog
tfly Zrips – check if player have tfly mode enabled and until when
Set players temporarily god mode until relog or time end
tgod Zrips 30 – god mode for next 30 sec
tgod Zrips 0 – god mode until relog
tgod Zrips – check how long a player has tgod for, if at all.
Controls server time
/time 13:00:00
/time 1pm
/time 13
/time 7000ticks
/time 1pm Lt_Craft
/time 1pm all
/time add 0:30
/time take 0:30
/time freeze
/time unfreeze
/time realtime
/time autorealtime start/stop
Sends title message to player
Sends toast message to player
Only for 1.12+ servers
Teleport to highest point at your location
Teleports to player’s location
Ask the player if you can teleport to them
Ask all online players to teleport to your location
Accept teleport request
Asks player to accept teleportation to your location
-c will teleport to location when offer was made and not where player is currently. This requires cmi.teleport.currentlocation permission node from command sender
Teleports all online players to location
Teleports ALL players from specific world. Target location can be defined in case you want to perform this command from console.
Example: /cmi tpallworld LT_Craft_nether LT_Craft;0;150;0
-a will teleport everyone who is located in no longer existing world. This can happen if you have removed custom world with plugin like multiverse core and offline player is still located in that world
Bypass teleportation to unsafe location
Deny teleport request
Teleports player to your location
Teleports to player’s location by force
Teleports player to your location by force
Teleports to location by force and will override any area protections player might have
-p: will define player you want to teleport. This will require you to have cmi.command.tpopos.others permission node
-rng: will teleport at random location from center point by given radius
x, y and z can be in relative coordinates. In example /tpopos ~0 ~1 ~0 will teleport you 1 block up
Teleports to location
-p: will define player you want to teleport. This will require you to have cmi.command.tppos.others permission node
-rng: will teleport at random location from center point by given radius
x, y and z can be in relative coordinates. In example /tppos ~0 ~1 ~0 will teleport you 1 block up
Check servers tps status
Spawn tree where you are looking
Keep in mind that this command will ignore area protection plugins due to how minecraft handles this feature
Unban player or ip
Makes item unbreakable
Uncondense items into smaller parts
Release player from jail
Unloads chunks from server memory
-f variable will force for all chunks to be unloaded in one go
Unmute player
Unmute public chat
Manage players meta data
Any set meta can be displayed with %cmi_user_meta_[key]% placeholder around plugin
More information HERE
Administration tools
Vanish player
Edit vanish mode for player
Show plugin version
Change view range
Up to 1.14 minecraft version
Manage players votes
/voteedit Zrips
/voteedit add 10
/voteedit take 10
/voteedit Zrips clear
/voteedit Zrips add 10
Check players vote count
Check top vote list
Set players walk speed from 0 to 10
Warn player
Check player warnings
Teleports to warp location
Lists warp groups
Controls server weather
/sun lock
/sun 120
/sun Lt_Craft
Open workbench
Teleports to different world
Requires[worldName] in addition to base permission node
Check item worth
Check list of items with set sell prices