/cmi panimation {variableExpresion}
For a detailed explanation of what you should use, look belove.
Some of the CMI features uses particles which can be changed in config file. Each particle is defined with one line and no spaces. Multiple variables can be used if more complex results is needed.
Variables should be separated with ; In example circle;effect:heart;dur:0.5
Possible variables for circle as follows:
ef can be used for shorter code
Particle effect name should be defined. In example ef:flying_glyph
fireworks_spark, crit, magic_crit, potion_swirl, potion_swirl_transparent, spell, instant_spell, witch_magic, note, portal, flying_glyph, flame, lava_pop, footstep, splash, particle_smoke, explosion_huge, explosion_large, explosion, void_fog, small_smoke, cloud, coloured_dust, snowball_break, waterdrip, lavadrip, snow_shovel, slime, heart, villager_thundercloud, happy_villager, large_smoke, water_bubble, water_wake, suspended, barrier, mob_appearance, end_rod, damage_indicator, sweep_attack, totem, spit, squid_ink, bubble_pop, current_down, bubble_column_up, nautilus, dolphin, water_splash, campfire_signal_smoke, campfire_cosy_smoke, falling_dust, sneeze, composter, flash, falling_lava, landing_lava, falling_water, dripping_honey, falling_honey, landing_honey, falling_nectar, soul_fire_flame, ash, crimson_spore, warped_spore, soul, dripping_obsidian_tear, falling_obsidian_tear, landing_obsidian_tear, reverse_portal, white_ash
ct can be used for shorter code
Player name or location should be provided. In example: ct:Zrips ct:LT_Craft,15,256,21
r can be used for shorter code
Defines circle radius. For decimal value use . instead of , In example: r:1.2
Defines that particle should stay in one place and avoid following player if player was defined as source of location. This doesn’t require any extra variable and should be used as circle;effect:heart;center:Zrips;fixed
rc can be used for shorter code
Changes radius of circle with each tick. rc:0.1 will increase radius by 0.1 with each tick and rc:-0.1 will decrease radius by 0.1 Particle effect will stop at moment radius goes belove 0
dur can be used for shorter code
Defines time in seconds to keep that particle effect shown. This can be used to make fail safe in case particle keeps playing or make it defined length if you need to show short effect. Default time is 5 seonds.
Usage: dur:1.5 which will show particle for 1.5 seconds
mr can be used for shorter code
Defines max radius for circle. If its reaches this threshold then it will stop playing. Default value is 2
usage: mr:5
off can be used for shorter code
Defines offset from center location. This can be used to start particle showing not at players location by above his head if needed.
Usage: off:0,1.5,0 off:0,-1,0
Moves center point. This can be defined as vector or as target player look direction with optional speed value.
Usage: move:0,0.1,0 which will move particles up by Y and by 0.1 blocks each tick move:Zrips will move particles at direction Zrips is looking at. move:Zrips,0.1 will move particles at direction Zrips is looking at and at 0.1 blocks per tick speed.
maxd or mmdist can be used for shorter code
Defines max distance particle can travel from origin location. Can help out to limit particles going forever to some direction.
Usage: maxd:5.2
twist can be used for shorter code
This forces particles to rotate around its axis. Can achieve interesting effects. Doesn’t require any extra value.
part can be used for shorter code
Defines count of particles in one circle
Usage: part:3
Defines circle pitch. This could be used to turn circle to one or another side if needed. Value if from 0 up to 180. Player name can be used to take his pitch as value.
Usage: pitch:152 pitch:Zrips
Defines circle yaw. This could be used to turn circle to one or another side if needed. Value if from 0 up to 180. Player name can be used to take his yaw as value.
Usage: yaw:152 yaw:Zrips
pitchc can be used for shorter code
Changes pitch by defined amount. Allows to create rotating circles effect.
Usage: pitchc:5
yawc can be used for shorter code
Changes yaw by defined amount. Allows to create rotating circles effect.
Usage: yawc:5
fdir can be used for shorter code
Pitch and yaw will be updated by target players yaw and pitch if player is defined. No extra variable is needed
c can be used for shorter code
Defines particle color is that particle can be colorized.
Couple different variations can be used:
[r],[g],[b] – defines color by basic red green and blue colors number which range from 0 up to 255
Hex color code is supported like {#6600cc} or {#red}
r – will make colors to change constantly and cycle throw every possible one
rs – will rainbow colors depending on pitch and yaw from center location
rfs – colorizes particles depending on distance from start position
Usage: c:100,250,10 c:r c:rs c:rfs
tr can be used for shorter code
Targets custom player to follow him
Usage: tr:Zrips
hwv can be used for shorter code
When set particles will be hidden for players who cant see source player to which particles are attached to.
For simplicity sake you can use presets for most used particle effects. Presets are taken form config.yml file under Particles section. Defining preset is done with basic preset:[name] value, while any extra variable will override presets one if it was already defined or will add it to it for this particular use case. So /cmi panimation preset:TotemHalo;target:Zrips will show particle attached to Zrips which means that you can use dynamic variable instead of player name to have best use case scenarion for it: /cmi panimation preset:TotemHalo;target:[playerName]




